Monday, February 21, 2011

dear life i hate you

i wanted decency and love..
in family all i experienced was love and once i left my family that was all i looked for and that was the thing i never found.

Monday, February 14, 2011

:D What doesnt kill me

what doesnt kill me makes me stronger. :D
i had what could be the worst valentines day ever but i have avoided it by a very slim margin. :D i got a terrible nasty cut but well i am alive and very much so.
I did fine i am proud of myself.

IMuhammad Iqbal Lahori

ساحل افتاده گفت : « گر چه بسی زیستم

هیچ نه معلوم شد آه که من کیستم .»

موج ز خود رفته ای، تیز خرامید و گفت :

« هستم اگر می روم گر نروم نیستم . »

Friday, February 11, 2011

God I am so hurt

Just like this blog that has no reader i have none myself. I love you and i haven't contacted u. I have already lost you to somebody i have lost all but one thing hope
i know if i call you i will break down into tears and cry and cry be the most desperate human being on earth and for the hope that i might one day be able to take ur hands and hug u will be gone forever.
for the same reason i put the Valentines card i got u inside box inside my closet, knowing the moment u have in hand u will laugh and throw it out. my only hope is to act indifferent and strong maybe one day we will be together again.
i love you and i hope u will change one day.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The savage

One day i will stand above all you and say " Take it this is for you delivered with love"
and i shall see your faces filled with disbelief and i walk away proud.
I will prove my superiority and i will destroy those who stood between me and my goals.
Just watch me closely

On Losing

I never thought of losing, but now that it's happened, the only thing is to do it right. That's my obligation to all the people who believe in me. We all have to take defeats in life.
Muhammad Ali

Sunday, January 30, 2011

On myself

I really like the person i have turned out to be i enjoy myself. I am a real gentleman with real good intentions. I am romantic and sincear. it is hard to be me and it is evern harder to become me.